Take two to five steps forward, sit back, calm your breathing and enjoy the thrilling flight together with birds and other gliders flying around Sarangkot Mountain. Pilot will take you up to the thermal top to the very cloudbase of it, from there you will slowly descend through the magical scenary of Annapurna Mountain Range with contrastic Fewa Lake below and epic scenary of Pokhara valley.
We are flying from Sarangkot Mountain (1500m) and using the most convinient takeoff in the area. The ride to the take-off takes only 25 minutes. That gives us more time to spend with our passengers explaining them everything they want to know about flying.
As with many aircrafts, paragliding launching and landing are done into wind. The wing is placed into an airstream. As Pilot and Passenger runs into wind, the wing moves up over the pilot and passenger into a position in which it can carry both. The tandem is then lifted from the ground and, after a safety period, both can sit down into his harnesses.
Unlike skydivers, paragliders, like hang gliders, do not "jump" at any time during this process. Launching is a very thrilling moment for many people and our experienced pilots are always there with you.