Founded in 2005 SEOD Children’s Home is located in the beautiful Pokhara valley, 200 km west of Nepal’s capital Kathmandu. It is currently a home for 14 wonderful children who are either orphaned, abandoned or rescued from abusive family members. Despite the serene landscape and the ancient culture. Nepal fast modernization has left countless children homeless or lacking a safe social environment. Our aim is not only to provide these children simply with a place to grow up but to create a real home. A place which gives them the safety, warmth and love of a family and helps them to recover from their often-traumatic experiences. With the help of our dedicated team and our housemother Uma we take care of each child’s individual needs and interests. We provide the best available education, sports activities, music, art tutors, counseling and many field trips. The older children are involved in helping the younger ones and in the daily tasks of home life. We are especially proud to see the children of our little family growing into confidant, responsible and caring adults, successfully finding their place in society. Unfortunately our Founder (SEOD) friend Bill (UK), who has been out main sponsor for the past 14 years has retired and now we are facing fund-raising difficulties. We are looking for new funding partner. Despite all the support from the local community and friends, rising living costs and the lack of new sponsors makes it growingly difficult to provide for our children the way we wish to.